Imprint / Privacy Policy
ATO Aviatis GmbH
does not guarantee for the completeness and accuracy of the published online information. Personal datas are only used to process requests or to provide information about our services and products. No data will be sold, rented or passed on to third parties. Server information is evaluated for general statistical purposes only. This enables us to continuously optimize the quality of our website. When we refer to external websites, we assume no responsibility for their content and privacy practices.
When you access our website, the following data is collected in particular, which is technically necessary to display the website to you:
- IP address (network address)
- Address of the website you came from
- Address of retrieved files (call address = URL)
- Date and time of a retrieval
- The operating system and browser version of your device (user-agent)
Website hosting
In the context of processing on our behalf, a third-party provider based within Switzerland provides us with the services for hosting and displaying the website and provides infrastructure services, computing capacity, storage space and database services, maintenance services and security services for this purpose. In doing so, we or our hosting provider process all data that arises in the context of the use of my website. This includes inventory data, content data, usage data, meta and communication data of interested parties and visitors to our online offering.
Communication by e-mail
If you have contact with us by e-mail, your e-mail address will be collected for technically necessary reasons and thus out of legitimate interest. The same applies if we have written to you and received your e-mail address either from you or from a public or authorized source. Your e-mail address and the content of your e-mail will not be passed on to third parties, unless this is required by the occasion, requested or explicitly permitted by you, or this results from another legal provision. We delete received e-mails after a few months if they are no longer needed or if the last communication has ended for several months and a continuation of the communication does not seem promising. We also delete e-mails earlier if they are irrelevant, have become irrelevant or a justified deletion request has been made.
ATO Aviatis GmbH
Flughafenstrasse 10
CH- 9423 Altenrhein
📞 +41 79 373 67 64
CEO, Accountable Manager & Head of Training
Thomas Hiestand
VAT number CHE-256.968.512
Commercial register number CHE-256.968.512
Jurisdiction Thal SG, Switzerland for all experiences